Why he is here? Well, his sister had told him he should go. She has been here before. That‘s what one of the teens said on Sunday, when the team arrived in our community. The following day he mentioned, he might as well go home. „I‘ve already experienced so much more than I expected to! If you don‘t encounter God here I don‘t know where you will!“ Those were his words after our first communal time in the house of prayer. At the end of his stay he was overwhelmed and explained how he immediately could tell that „within these walls something is completely different“. „I totally received the Holy Spirit!“, he went on astonished and reported how he started praying in tongues.
And that is just ONE story. One of the teen girls rejoiced how freeing the gift of praying in tongues is, which she had received, and also the third experienced the baptism in the Holy Spirit.

But it is always most beautiful to hear testimonies in their original, so read for yourself what Christfried, the team leader has to say:

„The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy!“ Psalm 126.3

It is pretty hard to put into words, what we were able to go through together with the FCJG / Help Family in a week led by the HOLY SPIRIT. The best summary is a verse out of Psalm 126: " The LORD has done GREAT things".

Summer-Mission-Tour-Vienna, that sounds quite big and powerful, but at a glance it is small and unimpressive. Two ministers and three teens with the gospel of JESUS on their hearts, heading out from the Erzgebirge and Stuttgart to Vienna: To herald the gospel, pray for the city and to be led by the HOLY SPIRIT. In the eyes of the world this is ridiculous. But this has always been a precept of GOD: "that HE chose the weak things of the world" (1 Cor 1.27) to reveal HIS power. We were able to live out this precept once again together in this week.

A place of the presence of GOD

The FCJG House in Vienna is a truly holy place, that is brimming with loving hospitality. A huge thank you to you, FCJG Family Vienna!

How overwhelming where the encounters the teens had in the house of prayer. To receive words from GOD that go right into the heart! To receive gifts of the HOLY SPIRIT! We could all get touched deeply by JESUS, rejuvenating our love for HIM anew.

Bringing JESUS to the streets

What had to be most memorable experience must have been to worship JESUS together in the forecourt to the railway station and to bring the love of GOD to the streets. HIS presence filled the place and it was a pleasure to pray for people there.

The stories GOD authored in these times were extraordinary: the little girl that gave her life to JESUS, Computer Scientist that longed for a purpose to live, the joyless woman, who laughed with us after prayer.

On this day I (Christfried) got to experience, how JESUS himself put the right words in our mouths at the right time. Never before had I preached without a sheet in my hand, but there in the middle of the street the HOLY SPIRIT supplied the words. Words directly from the father's heart: "I love you", this is the gospel.

That is how we got to see how "the Lord worked with them and confirmed his word by the signs that accompanied it" (Mark 16,20)


To be a missionary doesn't require something big, no special education, no minimum age, no special qualities. The only thing that is required is a love toward JESUS and the readiness to go.That's it. That is what we went through in these days in Vienna. Thank you JESUS!

We'll be back, Vienna!
In Saxon, our dialect, we would say: "risch subbor" (really super) ;-)

Gerda, Annabell, Moritz, Rebekka, Christfried

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