This is God's timing for Africa

The Holy Spirit is touching and transforming peoples and tribes in Africa, and we are standing with this move of God in the nations. He calls us to go to the poorest of the poor, to people no-one wants to connect to, so they hear about and embrace God's kingdom. God sends us to the north of Uganda in order to minister and serve the South Sudanese refugees who are sitting in camps and waiting for receive hope.

Tom & Dunja Koch

Tom Koch
's Heart is set ablaze for people in Africa. He loves to preach the gospel of God's love and to see the Holy Spirit move and work in power. In 2014, he took part in Heidi Baker's missions school in Mozambique, followed by many outreaches to the nations.

Dunja Koch
ministered as pastor on a pastoral team in Berlin; she simply loves Jesus and people. However, then God broke her heart for nations and called her to be a missionary. She loves to see God's love transforming hearts, regions and nations.

Tom and Dunja have been connected to FCJG in Lüdenscheid for many years. Since 2023, they have become part of HELP International. When Jesus asked them, "Will you help me to reach the people in East Africa?", they immediately gave their YES, and are now preparing to set up a pioneer project under HELP International in East Africa.

Our Goals

- We want to make room for the move of God in the nations of East Africa.
- We want to bring the gospel ot all tribes, tongues and nations.
- We want to show God's love in action to the poorest of the poor.
- We want to minister and serve the body of Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Donations East Africa

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