»Mission is Gratefulness for Calvary!«

Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke (CfaN)

The gospel of the kingdom of God must be preached ... everywhere - to the ends of the earth! That's what we do and we are happy to take you along.

We are going to the poor in slums, to the hopeless on the streets, to the lonely and those no-one is taking care of. We worship Jesus in the streets and sow the wonderful love of God in the nations. However, we also preach the gospel - in the streets, in prisons or we talk to people one-on-one and share Jesus with them. Your testimony has power! We believe in the power of God working and moving today. Thus, we heal the sick, cast out demons and lead captives into freedom, for the Spirit of the Lord is upon YOU (see Isaiah 61)!

Einsaetze 10

Following you find a variety of options for doing outreaches with us:

International Outreaches

Short-term outreaches are a first step to missions. We take you along! Unfortunately, there are no outreaches in 2024, however, you are welcome to do Mission Experience ...

Mission Experience

If you want to experience genuine mission life and have time between six weeks and 11 months, then this is for you! Find all infos here!

Welcome to God's harvest field!

the HELP Team

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