Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues,
proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness.
When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were
harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.

The Bible in Matthew 9:35 + 36 (NIV)

Millions seeking hope

Metro Manila, the capital city of the Philippines officially has between 8 to 12 million inhabitant - plus the estimated number of unreported inhabitants. More than half of the population are children and youth of which an estimate of 80,000 are living on the street. Often they run away from home, because they are not wanted, or their parents cannot provide for them, or they were born on the street because their parents don't have any home. It is hard to break through this vicious circle of poverty, neglect and indicipline. Many get high on glue, beg, steal or go into prostitution in order to survive - without the least hope for change. Statistics say that within the past 15 years the number of children in prostitution has more than doubled.

Boys the Rock

Going through a metropolis

Just as Jesus walked through cities and villages so do we. We are going to the hi-ways and bi-ways, through streets and alleys - everyhwere the Holy Spirits leads us to. We are seeking the lost and broken-hearted, the hungry and thirsty ... all who want true life. Our hearts' desire is not only to make the kingdom of God known, but to demonstrate it in power by accompanying signs and miracles - in slums, in the busy streets, in shopping malls, parks, in overloaded jeepneys. Everywhere where the people are!

Prayer Walk

Home Visits

A special way to get to know a family in everyday life is by visiting their homes. Sometimes many children are all over the place, other times a door might be locked. Not everyone has showered and sometimes we will encounter an overwhelming mountain of problems. We can't solve everything, but we always take a moment to sit down and to listened, a cuddle the kids and usually we take a moment to pray. We share a bible story and connected its ocntent to daily life. It's not rare that we end in singing worship songs and lifting the whole situation to God. Mostly we leave smiles in these places, teary eyes and glimpses of new hope, that there is a Father in heaven who cares.

City Mission 03

Street Worship

We regularly go through the city to worship Jesus. We want to see the presence of God manifest outside of any walls or indoor locations. We stand next to a market place or a busy traffic junction with many passenger passing by. Prayer really transformes! At times we approach people in small groups and see again and again how people surrender their lives to Jesus!

City Mission 04


Tondo - also known as ›Smokey Mountain‹ - is a place God is calling us to invest into. We believe for a transformation for a whole region which is one of the most populated places on earth. Whole family lines have lived for generations from sorting garbage. The harvest is ready and we sense God's heartbeat for these people. Currently we hve rented a simple unit in this huge slum area where we live for 3 to 5 days every months and from where we are doing outreaches.

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Walking in Jesus' footsteps

The City Mission is the evangelistic branch of HELP Philippines. We are working among street kids, the poor and needy, in slums and in the streets; we evangelize among drug addicts as well as prostitutes in Manila. We go where Jesus would go today, too. We share the word of God with them and minister to them by the gifts of Spirit and in the power of the Holy Spirit. Furthermore, we are cooperating with other NGOs and churches in the Philippines and understand our mission and ministries to be part of a spiritual network.

Prayer Walk 02
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