At the heart of our fellowship are our daily times of prayer and worship in the House of Prayer.


»They were continually and faithfully devoting themselves to the instruction of the apostles, and to fellowship, to eating meals together and to prayers.« Acts 2:42

We spend a lot of time in the house of prayer. The Holy Spirit surprises us again and again and leads us to the heart of God the Father. Moved by His love, it is then easy to pray for people and the trouble spots of the world - or simply to quietly enjoy His presence, which is better than anything else in the world.

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We are from time to time hosting seminars, conferences, workshops to learn about the things of the Kingdom of God. Credited and anointed men and women of God minister to us with apostolic-prophetic insights and teachings, e.g. Walter Heidenreich, Richard Aidoo, Maria Prean. You are always welcome to attend such events at the IHOP. Please find dates on our event site.

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Discipleship Training

Teaching - or expressed more modern: training - is elementary in every area of life. Topics include forgiveness, the Holy Spirit as a person, the gifts of the Spirit, the Father heart of God, hearing God's voice, being born again, how to bring the Gospel to my friends. Please give us a call if you want to join.


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