I was captured by the beauty of Africa as I read a book about Africa, its people, nature and cultures as I was 14 years old. Since then I have vowed: “I will definitely go to Africa!”. Two years later, I got to know Jesus better. My relationship with Him started to be more personal. I was introduced to the Holy Spirit and it was amazing. Then the dream to go to Africa became a more frequent conversation with God. »What will I do in Africa, what is my real reason for going there? It should be more than just travel and sightseeing.« At the time, I could not get any answer.

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The opportunity!

Years later, I saw an opportunity to go to Africa as a volunteer. Everything was ready to be mailed when the Holy Spirit spoke to me very clearly. He reminded me of what I needed most in my current situation. Right then, waiting at the post office, I told HIM: »Okay then, before bringing me to Africa bring me first to a Christian place here in the Philippines where I can work and deepen my relationship with you.« The following day I was informed of a job vacancy in Manila. I sent my application, although I didn’t like the idea of living so far from home. But right away they told me that they passed it on to another organization as they had just hired someone already! Not even bothering to know the name of the organization or what they do, I travelled to Manila with just the address in hand.

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From a distance I saw diapers hanging and heard babies crying! I almost backed off, but not wanting to waste the ten hours travel I went in to at least have a look. I then learned that they are a Christian Mission Organization. I just felt peace and started to work there.

His ways!

Throughout the years God has been faithful with His promises and has continuously worked within me. Doors were opened to visit countries in Europe, join outreaches in South East Asian countries and other regions in the Philippines but the desire to go to Africa just continued to grow. In 2016, hope and excitement were at a peak: A door was opened again for me to travel to Germany; this time to join the REVIVAL SCHOOL. I took it as preparation for my »African dream«. Three months before the school started excitement was quenched by indecision and wavering with my father passing away and complications concerning my visa application. But God is at work! My visa was released one day before my scheduled flight! I was happy and grateful but a bit lost as I was only given a 30 days visa with a one month extension instead of five! I couldn’t stay to finish the school semester. I felt sad and disappointed that Africa was not as close as I had thought. 

Back in the Philippines, God continued to work HIS plan and it’s always good! I never lost hope for Africa, nor did I stop talking about it with Him, most of the time seeking Him about what, how and when. But I learned to surrender my ideas and expectations about Africa to Him. I am grateful to the Holy Spirit for teaching me to relax in His presence as I continue to put my faith and hope in Him even in the midst of uncertainties and it's really good!

Finally! Africa and even miracles

In 2021, doors to Uganda were opened for the community in Germany. When I heard about the plans for short term outreaches in 2022 my heart jumped with joy. I asked God: »Is this the time?« I did not hear an audible »yes« from HIM, but staying in conversation with Him I had peace and took one step at a time. Special travel requirements for non-covid-vaccinated people felt like a threat creeping in, but HIS peace brought comfort and took the worries away. Finally in July 2022 I took my first step on African soil!

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In the two weeks of my stay in Uganda, the Lord has allowed me to witness people being freed and delivered from demonic bondages. Healings took place everywhere. Shouts and dances of victory and joy were loud and bold. Oh, how the Holy Spirit moved, it was just beautiful!

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Children are precious and it was a privilege for me to be greeted and smiled at, to spend time with them where they lived, worked and studied.

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Excited for the things ahead

The Lord has started to answer my questions about Africa. At least for now I know where and what to stand for, until the Holy Spirit reveals more. I don’t know if I have to wait for another 32 years or if I will ever go back there at all. But I will continue my journey with my FATHER, through Jesus and the Holy Spirit’s leading. He put Africa in my heart and it's forever there. Now I have a more specific conversation with my FATHER about Africa and it is so good! All glory and praise to HIM.

Jeany M. Boteng
Staff of Father's House

HELP International Philippinen

Open doors - Africa Conference and outreaches

From June 8 - 11, 2023 we are hosting the Africa Conference in Lüdenscheid (Germany). God’s heart burns for Africa and the Africans, for they are a wonderful blessing to Europe and God has given our African brothers and sisters something that we Europeans desperately need. Find all information on the conference here.

After the conference we would love to take you to Africa, Europe and Asia. From June 30 to July 16, 2023 (for all 18 years and older). Furthermore, we have a special for all teens - we are doing a teenager outreaches from July 16 - August 4, 2023. Find all infos here.

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