We've got news from our Hope team bible study group at McDonald's. This group is like a ray of God's light in a public place ... and what they are doing makes a dramatic impact. It's just too good ...

No one dares to steal ...

The McDonald's group is growing and growing. The manager realized the growing tendency, too, and he suggested that the group should split and instead of all of them gathering on one evening, two groups could meetin on two different evenings. He has good reason for our Hope team & Co. to meet in his restaurant: In the past so many items got stolen and the police had to be alarmed all the time. Cell phones, purses and kitchen items were gone. However, since the bible study group is meeting in his restaurant, thefts are not happening anymore. There is still one well-known and notorious thief coming to the restauarant, but he doesn't dare to steal a thing.

Da klaut keiner 04

... to be continued

This specific McDonald's has a huge screen which shows loud music videos all day long. Recently the screen broke and someone from our Hope team heard the manager saying to his staff: »Do not repair the screen. It's too much noise for the bible study group.« ...
And something else happened ... The man who was suffering from insomnia has slept after prayer for quite some time a lot better - since he wants someone to pray for him at every meeting ...
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