Welcome to HELP Germany

»Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.«

The Bible in Matthew 28:19 + 20 (NIV)

HELP International is the missions organization of FCJG Lüdenscheid. We are determined to fulfill Jesus Great Commission today and want to do our part to send workers into the harvest. In 1993 HELP International was founded by Walter Heidenreich and the leadership of FCJG. Our teams are serving people in need and calamity by means of various ministry branches in Europe, Asia as well as in the USA. They go to fringe groups as much as to those who have fallen through the net of society. However, they are also reaching out to those who seemingly have everything but are still suffering great need. We are »fischers of men« and keep moving in order to go into all the world. In Germany as well as in all our HELP bases around the globe we train and equip people whose hearts' desire is this - to go! Our training tools are the international REVIVAL SCHOOLs in Lüdenscheid as well as those in process in the nations, the REVIVAL SCHOOL on the Move and Vision for Mission - each is meeting a specific purpose. God has a plan for everyone of each generation and a place for us in the nations - and we are making room for everbody who wants to bring in the global harvest together with us.


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