Life has not just been easy for Balti (17 yrs). Born in a slum, later abundant from his family he grew up with some brothers in the Father's House. He is the smallest of his brothers. School has been a big challenge for him, yet God said »YES« to him, gifted him in other ways and he has been »a little missionary« to many.

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This young man was interested to be trained in woodworking but he was not sure if he wanted to do it in this training school, knowing that he is the youngest and knows no body from the group. In prayers and with encouragement he took it with courage albeit with hesitation. One week went of sanding wood went by, then one month then two months and now he is walking his eight month. The days of his training were not merely »work-training«, but also days of »gaining friends and testimony sharing-training«. He could invite one of his co-trainee »home« and he could start sharing his life in Jesus to his co-trainees too. Hear out what he shared:

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»One time a co-trainee was asking questions why I am where I am living and what we are doing (The Father’s House). I was shy to share but I got reminded of what one of the staff told me which is if someone ask you questions about yourself, what you are doing, why and etc. always tell and share the truth…about yourself, about us, about Jesus. You can also share Jesus through your actions and how you deal with them. Therefore, I started sharing to him, then another one joined us, then some others came too until the one person became eight people. But then came one of our trainers and questioned why we are not working, and I told him that I am just sharing my life. The trainer told the others, »is he a television that you listen and watch him?« but with a smile, I asked our trainer »Sir, do you want to listen also?«, he said nothing but just asked us to go back to our work stations.

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»I faced and encountered challenges in the training center, but I am aware that there will always be challenges, thus most of the time I speak in tongues while biking to and from home and center and while doing my assigned task. I pray specifically for my co-trainees and the people in the training center. Most of my co-trainees and workers in the training center smoke cigarettes during our daybreak and some would drink alcohol after the day’s work training. They would offer and ask me to join them but with respect, I say no and told them that smoking and drinking alcohol is not good and in return, they respect me and would not insist«. Once the training school teacher gathered all of us informing that they found a sachet of weed in the comfort room. No body admitted! The training center again reminded us about the policies that we need to follow while in the center but also, it’s in general be lived outside the center.

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Thankful little Missionary

The carpentry training, I am having right now is also a blessing. I receive a daily pocket money and with that I could earn/save some. Not much but a small amount when saved and put together can reach something too. I pray that every day I could show Jesus and that they will see Jesus in me. I am grateful for the people in our community who supports me and covers me with prayers.

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»A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.« (Luke 6:45)
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