For the past two years I have been infected with Amoeba (a parasite causing diarrhea, stomach ache and vomiting). Wherever I went, I was seen carrying my own bottle full of water which I specially had to buy. I wanted to make sure I wouldn't get infected again through unclean water.

The battle of the mind

I was healed from this disease four years ago and was very thankful though I still worried and thought about it every day. I tried my best not to catch it again.
In the end of April, I was at a beach retreat of our community to which I forgot to bring my own water. »What now?«, I asked myself. The weather was very hot and we all needed to drink a lot. I somehow felt, »Try it out. Don't be afraid, drink this ordinary drinking water.« So I did ...

Endlich frei 03

Free from fear

The next morning we talked about »healing«. I knew, I wanted to receive it. Not because I was sick, but because of all the worrying to catch Amoeba that constantly filled my mind. So I opened my heart wide for healing. I instantly felt that I didn't have to worry any longer. I was healed – completely healed!
Since then, I am free to drink ordinary drinking water. My fears are gone and I can move about wherever I go without my own water bottle. Thank you, Jesus!
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