This summer, two outreach teams were "on the move" for God: The "REVIVAL SCHOOL Mongolia" went to Henti to support churches and preach the Gospel in the surrounding area, and our "Mission house" visited Kazakhs in Bayan Ulgii with people from our local branch to bring them the Good News of Jesus Christ. It is our mission at all times, no matter what the circumstances, to take the Gospel to the nations. And it is a great privilege to preach the Gospel to those who have never heard of Jesus. "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved." (Rom. 10:13)

outreaches 2021 03

... they must hear the Gospel!

"But how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard?" (Rom. 10:14) Many have never heard of Jesus (Kazakh: Isa) or simply need more teaching, like the man we visited in his home. He was a teacher, so he was quite educated. God wanted to make it clear to him, through the biblical story where Nicodemus came to Jesus at night, that he too would have to be born again if he wanted to see the kingdom of God. People are open and hungry for God. Our prayer is that Jesus will sovereignly reveal himself to them as the only Lord and Savior.

outreaches 2021 04  outreaches 2021 05

Like a mighty Storm

Worship changes the spiritual atmosphere and creates breakthroughs - God's Kingdom comes with power! We have experienced that during a time of worship suddenly the weather changed and a mighty wind came, yes you can say storm - we had to hold on tightly somewhere in order not to be blown away - then the sun burst out and flooded the whole landscape of this province. It was like a prophetic image of the wind of the Holy Spirit and the light of God penetrating everything. At the same time, the presence of God descended upon us very tangibly and we prayed strongly in intercession for the people and this region.

outreaches 2021 06

God is still speaking today!

During the meetings with the Henti community, God gave revelation about Himself as a loving Father to many. There were also teachings on this subject during those days. One student had a picture of a healthy baby that received everything from the Father. It was born to take land and was not an orphan, but grew up as a beloved child. Many were healed internally in that area and experienced the Father love of God. On another day, during a personal time with God, this student received the word "cirrhosis of the liver." She did not understand what it meant at first. She left the house and went to a river where there was also a garden. In the garden sat a man. She went to him and told him the Gospel. She also asked him if he had cirrhosis of the liver. He was shocked and said yes. She prayed for him and he accepted Jesus into his life.

outreaches 2021 07
Mongolia has so far been very little affected by Covid-19. At the end of last year, however, there was an increase in cases. In Ulan Bator and other regions, the government immediately took strict measures. So we had a pretty tough lockdown in the past few weeks. Many shops were and still are closed, of course masks are compulsory, people cannot go to work for a long time, financial and other hardships affect people - also in Mongolia. Fear and insecurity are spreading. Our HELP ministry in Ulan Bator wants to counteract poverty and need among the population wherever possible. God has opened a door for us by giving us an official permit for a 24-hour round-the-clock mercy ministry for the homeless.

Enerel 03

Shelter in times of need

Our guests are very grateful for our shelter, because at night in Mongolia, winter temperatures can drop to -40°C and even below! Many have been living on the streets for years and have had a difficult life. Our facility is like a refuge for them, where they get a warm place to sleep, protection from the freezing cold, as well as food and clothing.

Enerel 04  Enerel 05

New hope rises up

Shared meals alternate with times of worship, and practical work with each other allows us to get to know each other a little better. Again and again, we were allowed to help people in the medical field and bandage their wounds. Some even got a new haircut. Life on the streets is hard and takes its toll. We want to pass on God's love in a very practical way and show how valuable each and every one of them is in God's eyes.

Enerel 06  Enerel 07

God makes everything new!

Just recently two people decided to go to Henti Province for long-term rehab (photo below left and right). It is so good to see how God changes hearts and how people are led by Him into a new life without addiction.

Enerel 08
Outreaches are special seasons. You do things that you normally don't do in everyday life. Just recently a team went to Mongolia ...

In the beginning of August, we went on outreach to the beautiful province of Arhangai with a German team and brothers and sisters from Mongolia. We went through valleys and over mountains, through waters, across country. Our crew as very mixed: 16 people between ages 7 through 64 from different generations, nations and backgrounds ... and we travelled two weeks together. Everything we did we did together. We lived and cooked together, erected a yurt together, butchered a mutton and cooked it. Everybody felt it was a gain to be part of this team!

Arhangai 04


Wherever we went, it felt like walking on paths that God prepared for us. We saw so many people of different ages (from 6 to 95) giving their lives to Jesus. We went on mountain tops and walked around villages to pray and worship God. And we visited small village congregations where we encouraged the people to give their lives to Jesus.

Arhangai 07

Stronger than death

On the countryside: We met Chimgee who found Jesus the very first worship service we held. A couple of days later she met her friend Jimsee in her village. Both had the impression to go to the park to pray. Suddenly, Chimgee's son called: »Mummy, you must come home!« His sister - 18 years of age - tried to commit suicide. He saved her the very last minute - she was already unconcious. Chimgee ran home and found her daughter. She was injured but alive. The next day, our team met the girl. She was still very weak, but with all her heart she gave her life to Jesus!
Chimgee and Jimsee are convinced that the Holy Spirit led them to go to the park in order to pray and to defeat the plans of the devil who doesn't do anything but go around to kill and destroy!

Arhangai 10

Broad horizon

Many said after his outreach that is was a gain to walk alongside each other as an international team. Their horizon was broadened and we beleive that some got encouraged to take further steps towards missions. We might see some of this team as co-workers in the nations, for: »The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Therefore, ask the Lord of the harvest to send workers into His harvest field!«


Hello friends, the HELP family from Bayan Ulgii has news from the land of the Kazakhs. This year, in cooperation with World Vision, a playground with fencing was built in a Muslim village for the village kindergarten. Through this project the whole village was influenced by the gospel. There was also a baptism this year - in the middle of the night - like Nicodemus, who came to Jesus at night and asked what he had to do to be saved. After much prayer and even more work, we could significantly expand an important work project of our community. We would now like to present this project to you a bit more.

B. Ulgii 2020 03

The carpentry is being renewed!

Our rehab Nadvariin Jim recently received brand new machines for the carpentry - Hallelujah! Our rehab people are especially happy about this - they can now get on with the production of doors, stairs as well as interior and exterior fittings of various kinds. In addition, the quality of the products will of course be improved, and last but not least, working with new equipment is simply more fun!

B. Ulgii 2020 04  B. Ulgii 2020 06

Sustainable Mission

The carpentry project under the management of Munkhuu is a really sustainable mission project. New jobs are created and the people who are joining the rehab program are introduced permanently to regular working life. Furthermore, by selling the products this project enables our HELP-ministry to take steps towards financial independence. And because of a close cooperation between staff and rehabilitants, genuine discipleship is lived in a very practical way.

B. Ulgii 2020 05


Siberia - immediately we think of bitterly cold, long winters, of Tundra and Taiga and their versatile plants and wildlife. With its 38 million inhabitants, Siberia is only sparsely populated, endless steppe unfold before our eyes, however, it reflects a unique beauty. Let's go on a short trip into this secluded part of the world and participate in the adventures God has prepared for some of us.

Ulan Ude 08

From Russia's Far East

Our HELP ministry has set itself the task to set up a pioneer ministry in the Republic of Buryatia. This most far Eastern part of Russia there is a center of Buddhism and Shamanism. A 5-meter-high Lenin granite head stands on a market place and shapes the cityscape.

Ulan Ude 07

Last year we sent out a Mongolian family to this part of Russia. They decided to serve God in that spiritually difficult region proclaiming and demonstrating the Good News of Jesus Christ. We want to know first-hand what made our friends lay down their lives for God and what they have done so far:

Ulan Ude 06

Good News ... from Germany

Gott hat mich mit meiner Familie nach Sibirien gerufen. Ich bete viel für dieses Land, dass die Gemeinde in Sibirien aufsteht und das Reich Gottes anbricht. Die Menschen sollen frei werden von Bindungen und den wahren Gott anbeten. Dafür brennt mein Herz.« (N.)

»Many years ago, I came from the countryside to Ulaanbataar. I was hopeless, completely devastated and very depressed. I was kind of a Buddhist, followed certain rituals and even worked in the temple. Also I had health problems.

When an outreach team from Germany came, they shared the Gospel of Jesus Christ with me. At that point I knew that I lacked something. I went to the service I was invited to with my handicapped son. Normally he suffered from epileptic seizures, but this time he was very quiet and slept peaceful in my arms. I realized that God was there. That night I gave my life to Jesus.
Shortly after I got healed of Hepatitis C – in a Christian meeting I received deliverance. I went to the doctor to have my blood checked and the results were very good – the healing was confirmed by a doctor. I am very thankful for all what God has done for me.

God has called me and my family to Siberia. I have prayed a lot for this nation, for the church in Siberia to rise up and the kingdom of God to break forth. My heart burns to see the people to be set free from bondage and starting to worship the only true God.« (N.)

Ulan Ude 03

Free indeed

Gott hat mich in die Mission gerufen. Jetzt lebe ich in Sibirien und lerne erst einmal Russisch, denn ich möchte sie schnell wie möglich mit den Menschen sprechen können und ihnen die Gute Nachricht erzählen.« (P.)

»I still remember the day I gave my life to Jesus – it was February 14, 2006. That's when my whole life started to change. Within one week I was free from smoking and after 10 days from consuming alcohol. Since then I haven't smoked ore gotten drunk. The strong headache I used to have, disappeared after my conversion, and since I need not to take pills against this headache anymore. Before my conversion I used to be very sad. There was no joy, I never laughed. Since I have met Jesus, I have become a very cheerful person. My friends even recognized my white teeth which they never saw before. Today, I like to talk to people and want to encourage them which I never did before.

God has called me to missions. Now I have been in Siberia for some time, where I first want to learn to speak Russian, because I want to be able to talk to people about Jesus and share the Good News as soon as possible.
Ulan Ude 10

Pray | give | send

If you want to support this precious and important ministry and the family behind it, you may do so in prayer and by giving finances. Please get in touch with our HELP Mongolia base. The staff is very happy to provide all information.

Summer was hot in Mongolia - but that doesn't refer to the weather. We had a big celebration at Burning Hearts Mongolia during which we also celebrated the 25th annivesary of HELP Mongolia! There were many reasons to thank God for what has happened in this country so far. The approx. 600 participants in the conference came from different churches and received a fresh fire of the Holy Spirit. Many experienced a spiritual renewal and were sent out by God Himself to be revivalists in their  environment.

BH 2019 04

Prophetic Power

Strong prophetic messages by Walter Heidenreich, Tom Wüthrich and Stacey & Wesley Campbell marked the conference tremendeously and impacted the spiritual atmosphere during these days. Many were re-confirmed in their calling or received a call to the nations for the first time in their lives.

BH 2019 06

God is calling

The call to come to the Father heart of God and to recognize their true identity as sons and daughters of God, hit the audience to the core. It was so beautiful to watch the longing to learn more about the Holy Spirit and his transforming presence. 

BH 2019 05

The Fire moves on

After Burning Hearts, revival fire set ablaze a church in Ulanbaatar:
A man who was previously a strong alcoholic and did not attend church very often had an encounter with the transforming love of God in the conference. Now he wants to radically follow Jesus and serve those addicted to alcohol. Other church members also experienced the power of the Holy Spirit. They were freed from half-heartedness and lukewarmness, now want to follow Jesus 100 % and not just sit in the pew Sunday after Sunday. The pastor told us visibly moved about the spiritual awakening in her church. Burning Hearts continues!

BH 2019 03

What an honor! For 20 years now our HELP Mongolia leaders have faithfully been serving God. Through many ups and downs they have built and advanced the kingdom of God in Mongolia.

20 Jahre 05

Arrival at -43 °C

On February 8, 1998, Tom and Heidi landed with their then 2-year-old daughter Salome and three big suitcases at the snow-covered airport of Ulaanbaatar. The icy winter air of the world’s coldest capital hit their faces with -43 degrees. At that time they probably didn’t think that they would still be living and serving in Mongolia 20 years later – with authority in the power of the Holy Spirit.

 20 Jahre 03

Suddenly there came a turning point – Tom

»I was born on a farm in Switzerland and grew up like a real hillbilly. That I would be traveling through the world one day for God – this was not part of my future plans.Out of different reasons I got involved in alcohol, drugs and other problems. I lived a chaotic life and just did my own thing. The turning point came when I cried out to God in a hotel room in Mexico, because my life had reached rock bottom. During that time Jesus met me supernaturally – in one day I was delivered from 8 years of drug addiction and other bondages. At this time I was 22.
Years later I came to the FCJG and God called me and my family to Mongolia long-term. Since then I am serving Him there. My heart is beating for this nation and its people. I want to see revival and the fire of the Holy Spirit falling with signs and wonders as it is written in the bible.
In addition, my ministry traveling to other nations of our HELP-ministries is growing. It is on my heart to lead people into their own 24/7-relationship with the Holy Spirit. I want to encourage them to be active in the kingdom of God.« Tom Wüthrich

20 Jahre 04

The girl at the window – Heidi

»Who would have thought that my life would go this way …I always dreamed about making a successful carrier as a nurse. I wanted to be a paramedic and rescue and give first aid to seriously injured people all around the world. I was proud of being Swiss and loved to live in my home country. In school I once wrote an essay about a girl standing at the window, dreaming of going into missions. I know today that God already put this calling into my heart when I was a child.
Now I have been living in Mongolia for 20 years and I am traveling through the country and to other nations – not primarily to help people with medical treatment, but to bring them the love of Jesus so that they can get healed and reach the full calling of their lives. Today, I am living the dreams of my life in Mongolia and I know that I am at the right place. I am very thankful to God for that!« Heidi Wüthrich

20 Jahre 06

Thank you!

Thank you for your loyalty, your commitment, devotion and readiness to make sacrifices.
Thank you for your love and humility, your willingness to listen, your leadership and your investment into the Mongolian people.
Thank you for not giving up, but always going on, for your wide view and your wisdom.
Thank you for your motivation, orientation and sharing your vision. 
Thank you for your open hearts – you are awesome!
Are YOU also willing to receive the fire of revival, to keep it burning and to pass it on?
Burning Hearts goes on ... After our Burning Hearts conference, we went to Bayan Ulgii to the Kazakhs. 7 teams visited 12 villages to bring the fire of the Holy Spirit to the Muslim population. We had many adventures with God. Sometimes we were simply amazed at the great deeds of our God who loves people from all nations. Wherever our teams went, supernatural things happened, people got saved and were set free from diseases!

B.Ulgii 2019 04

The earth shall be filled with the Glory of God

It has always been a special experience for us to worship God, especially on the heights of the mountains. We declared dominion and the kingdom of God over all of Bayan Ulgii. We want the people here to see that Jesus is real and that they get to know what he has done for us. Lord, open heaven over this region - YOUR kingdom come - YOUR will be done!

B.Ulgii 2019 07

Eyes were healed

We met a woman who came to our prayer meeting. She complained about pain in her eyes. We prayed for her to be healed and the pain disappeared immediately. Full of confidence, she opened her heart and gave her life to the God who so spontaneously met her current need.

B.Ulgii 2019 05

Girl could talk again

Once on our trip we were invited by a family with many neighbours who were there as well. We preached the gospel and many invited Jesus into their lives. Among the audience, there was also a deaf-mute girl. We prayed for healing and for the first time in her life she could form and speak words! She was so exited about being able to receive Jesus into her heart! The joy among those who noticed what happened was great - our God is still doing miracles today!

B.Ulgii 2019 03

»Let’s go to Thailand to the HELP International staff conference 2018!« This was the slogan for some of our leaders and staff members at the end of January. Some of our Mongolian participants flew by plane for the very first time in their lives, left their home country for the very first time and even saw the ocean for the first time.

Eight days later, full with new impressions, new inspiration and clear alignment they all came back home again.

Outreach to Pattaya – worship and evangelism join hands

During this conference we did an outreach to the largest red-light district of the world – Pattaya City. For our staff members it was the first time to be confronted with human trafficking of this size. It was a big challenge for all of us. That night, two teams were working hand in hand: While one stayed praying and worshipping in the prayer room located right in the red-light district, the other split in small groups and went to the streets.

Jesus du bist der Hammer 03

Word of knowledge

»Go down the street, turn to the sea front and look for a woman in black.« According to this word we went off. It wasn’t that easy – but seek and you shall find – we met that young lady, a street vendor, sitting in a wheelchair. In spite of language barriers we could pray with her. On our way back we saw her reading our flyers. Two other members of another groups could pray with her – and a third group with Thai translation led her to Jesus that very night.

Jesus du bist der Hammer 04

From hopelessness to new life

This woman told us: »I was palnning on committing suicide very soon. I got severely injured in a car accident and since have been sitting in a wheelchair!« We were looking for Jesus and because of this the lady found new life. Isn’t that wonderful? In his unconditional love Jesus is surprising us again and again. How encouraging – Holy Spirit is moving beyond all language barriers. Jesus, you are awesome!

In the winter season of last year, a group of students of the REVIVAL SCHOOL Mongolia went to Bayan Ulgii. This region is the most western of the 21 provinces of Mongolia and most of the population are Muslims of Kazakh descent.

In 1992, when Walter Heidenreich visited this country for the very first time with a team of FCJG to preach the Good News of Jesus, they first came to Bayan Ulgii. Back then there was much of the supernatural happening – healing, signs and wonders by the power of the Holy Spirit. A blind man got healed on the market place and after this many people received Jesus as their Savior. Later we were able to start a HELP base in this region.

Bayan Ulgii 05

Now, in November 2018, a team of five set out to spread the gospel in Bayan Ulgii and to prepare this year’s summer outreaches. We would like to share with you what they experienced during this time.

Jesus loves the Kazakh people

Our outreach took 15 days and was full of adventures. For about 30 hours we traveled across rather rough roads. We struggled with harsh weather conditions (snow and wind) and more than once we had to push-start our van to continue. We were kindly received by Munkhuu and Ichko who have been in Ulgii since summer 2018 and are in charge of our ministry there. We really wanted to support them.

Bayan Ulgii 03

During the first week we shared the Good News with people and climbed on a mountain to worship God. There, some people received Jesus as they experienced the presence of the Holy Spirit so strongly. We proceeded to Ulaan Had, where around 100 families are living with their herds. The village is close to the Chinese border, most of the people have never heard about Jesus, but were open and willingly to give their lives to Him. 

Bayan Ulgii 07

Healing power in Altai

In Altai, we visited several families and preached the gospel. An old lady was sceptical: »It is good for the younger people to believe.« However, that was nothing for her! I noticed that she suffered with health issues, so I asked her and she complained about pain in her legs. I asked if I could pray for her and after some hesitation she agreed. I felt my hands getting very hot when I laid them on her knee. I encouraged her to walk around the room to check if her knee was getting better. She rose to her feet, walked around a little - first very hesitant but she became bolder and bolder. Finally, she began to weep and told us that for a very long time she hadn’t been able to walk without pain and needed help from others. The walking aid, she had used, wasn’t necessary anymore! A loving Father in heaven had mercifully healed her!«

Bayan Ulgii 08

The story continues ...

After the Burning Hearts Mongolia event in the June 2019, we are doing outreaches in Mongolia and want to send teams to Bayan Ulgii to release the fire of the Holy Spirit. Did you get touched by our testimonies and has your heart caught fire while reading this report about what God is doing among the Kazakh people? Get ready and come - join us at Burning Hearts Mongolia and then go into the harvest of this world – maybe to Bayan Ulgii or wherever God will lead you to go.
Will YOU join?

»»» Find all information about Burning Hearts Mongolia and outreach options here

Bayan Ulgii 04

Finally came the da that we have awaited and prayed for so long: UPRISING Mongolia 2017 – this international prayer and fasting movement took place in Ulaanbataar, the capital city of Mongolia, in October 2017. 400 young people from every region of Mongolia came to worship Jesus and were encouraged by the powerful messages of Walter Heidenreich, Jerome Ocampo, Tom Wüthrich as well as two Mongolian pastors to live a radical life for Jesus and follow him wholeheartedly.

Uprising 13


So many participants testifies of healings during the event. A 13-year-old girl had strong pain in her knee and was limping very badly. After prayer the pain was completely gone. A young woman experienced inner healing of generational pain. This pain used to be so bad that her whole body was aching all the time. Many experience deliverance from powers of darkness and were delivered from fear and shame:

Uprising 06

Free from condemnation

»The session on the third evening was particularly important for me. In unity we prayed against the spirit of condemnation, fear and shame. When I opened my mouth to rebuke those spirits, God's Spirit delivered me in a very special way. Those spirits cannot do harm to me anymore. I am a beloved, chosen and appointed daughter of God. I want to encourage everybody to proclaim this over your own lives over and over again.« (Zoloo)

Uprising 05

Your children will have dreams

Enkhmanlai' children (he is a worship leader from Ulaan Bataar) experienced something very unique during the event:
His daughter (8 years old) sa nine angles in a vision that were standing in a circle wearing hats from which fruit was hanging. She was so happy and thought that she was experiencing heaven. When she opened her eyes she could only see the nine angles in the room.
Enkhmanlai's son (3 years old) was also at the event and woke up from his nap asking: »Where is my fruit?«
God speaks through even little children and reveals what he has for them. We explained to the two that what they saw in their vision and dream was the fruit of the Spirit.

Uprising 15

And finally there was Enkhmanlai's oldest son (10 years old), who had a vision of a beautiful person standing in front of him. He approached the person to embrace her, however, the heavenly being seemed to »evamporize«, but immediately showed up again and lovingly said to the boy: »I have appointed you!« In that vision, the heavenly being entered the boy's mouth and filled his body. Whenthe son shared this vision, Enkhmanlai's family was in awe, got renewed and was led into deep repentance.

Uprising 10

A new generation

»My highlight was Ochma, a worship leader. Pregnant she was standing on stage worshiping Jesus. To watch her was a prophetic sign to me for a new generation that is being born. In general, the church in Mongolia is used to receive and to take. It was challenging to mobilize the Mongolian youth to pray for their nation ... and with that a seed was sown. While entering into prayer, they acknowledged that they are the ones who need to step into the gap and we continue to pray that they youth in Mongolia will break through and live up to its calling.« (Michelle Wüthrich)

God is calling a new generation! The primary vision of UPRISING is to call the youth of the nations and to equip them to lay their lives down for Jesus' sake in order to passionately and fervently take the Gospel into all the world and to live out what they have been created for.

Uprising 11

A new season

UPRISING Mongolia closed with a public demonstration on THE central square of Ulaanbataar to which approx. 3,500 people came. This was the very first Christian event takting place on this square. The whole event was only possible because of the faith of ONE teenage girl - Michelle Wüthrich - who said »Yes« to God's call upon her life and who initiated UPRISING Mongolia. She had spiritual fathers and mothers at her side who helped to birth and conduct the whole event spiritually as well as many helpers who did the organization.

Uprising 09

Prayer bears fruit

Worship, prayer, laying our lives down for Jesus as well as repentance and intercession were all parts of UPRISING Mongolia ... And we may already see the fruit of this event ... In some parts of Mongolia, people have started to increasingly pray for their nation and to rise up against injustice in society, e.g. against abortion.
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