Burning Hearts goes on ... After our Burning Hearts conference, we went to Bayan Ulgii to the Kazakhs. 7 teams visited 12 villages to bring the fire of the Holy Spirit to the Muslim population. We had many adventures with God. Sometimes we were simply amazed at the great deeds of our God who loves people from all nations. Wherever our teams went, supernatural things happened, people got saved and were set free from diseases!

B.Ulgii 2019 04

The earth shall be filled with the Glory of God

It has always been a special experience for us to worship God, especially on the heights of the mountains. We declared dominion and the kingdom of God over all of Bayan Ulgii. We want the people here to see that Jesus is real and that they get to know what he has done for us. Lord, open heaven over this region - YOUR kingdom come - YOUR will be done!

B.Ulgii 2019 07

Eyes were healed

We met a woman who came to our prayer meeting. She complained about pain in her eyes. We prayed for her to be healed and the pain disappeared immediately. Full of confidence, she opened her heart and gave her life to the God who so spontaneously met her current need.

B.Ulgii 2019 05

Girl could talk again

Once on our trip we were invited by a family with many neighbours who were there as well. We preached the gospel and many invited Jesus into their lives. Among the audience, there was also a deaf-mute girl. We prayed for healing and for the first time in her life she could form and speak words! She was so exited about being able to receive Jesus into her heart! The joy among those who noticed what happened was great - our God is still doing miracles today!

B.Ulgii 2019 03

News from around the world

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